Elana Stone: website redesign + build

mockup of elanastone.com.au on desktop, tablet, and mobile | web design by accurate expressions


This website was so much fun to build! A few years ago I took over management of Elana’s previous website … it was pretty fancy behind the scenes, but sadly it didn’t age well. We wanted keep the site easy to maintain, so using a combination of custom fields and my favourite page builder, I was able to create some really eye-catching designs, whilst keeping it super simple for Elana to add new content.

The logo, backgrounds, and hand-drawn images were all created by Luna Tunes … but the rest of the design and all of the build is me. I was pretty excited to find a great font that matched the look and feel. This project is another great example of how high quality artwork can elevate a site.

PS: Elana is an amazing singer/songwriter and so much more … you should definitely check her out šŸ˜‰

Working with Rae is always a pleasure. She is a total pro, seemingly unfazed by the inherent complications of web design. In fact – it appears that she relishes the challenge. She has a wonderful eye for design and is great at communication – making it easy for her client (me) to navigate their way through what I find to be a pretty confusing landscape. She did such a great job, I only hope that my music lives up to the amazing website she created for it!
– Elana Stone

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