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Add a link to jump to another section on a page (anchor link)
An anchor link is a link (or button) that allows you to jump to a specific section of a page (whereas a regular link will take you to the top of a page). It’s relatively easy to set this up, once you know how!
In this example, we’ll be making an anchor link to point to This section here on the Services page www.yoursite.com/services:
Set your anchor link
The first step is to create the anchor. To do this, you’ll need to add a little piece of HTML code … don’t fret … it’s very easy!
- Navigate to the spot you want to link to (the anchor)
- Insert a Code Block above the block you want to link to (in this case, above the Text Block containing the “This section here” heading)
- You’re going to add an empty <a> tag (which means it won’t display any text) that looks like this:
- You’ll replace “this-section” with something that is meaningful to what you are linking to … don’t use spaces though! The name and id tags should be exactly the same. So your code might look like this:
<a name="myitem" id="myitem"></a>
- Click outside the Code Block to save it
Set up your link or button
Next you’ll create a link using text or a button. For this example, we’ll create a button.
- Navigate to the spot you want to add your link (it could be a different page)
- Insert a Button Block
- In the Link field, first select the page your anchor link is on by typing / and selecting, in this case, /services
- Next, you’ll add a hashtag # and then the name of the anchor link you created earlier (without the quote marks), for example, this-section
- Your link should look like this:
/services#this-section OR /services#myitem
- Click outside the Button Block to save it’
That’s it!