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Create a staging site to run WordPress updates

The following instructions are specific to WordPress sites hosted by Accurate Expressions. If your WordPress site is hosted with someone else, please refer to their documentation regarding how to create a staging site.

Create Staging Site

  • Login to your Control Panel
  • Click WordPress Manager at the top of the screen
    WordPress Manager in the Control Panel
  • Click the Manage button next to your WordPress installation
  • In the Site URL section:
    • select staging from the Choose subdomain dropdown list
    • click the Create staging button to create the staging site

Run your updates

  • Once the staging site is set up, login using the link provided (eg, staging.yourdomain.com.au/wp-admin/) and your regular login credentials
  • In the staging site you can safely update all your plugins, themes and/or core WP files, then test the site to make sure there are no conflicts
  • Once you’ve confirmed that nothing has broken during the process, you can repeat the updates in the live site, then delete the staging site

Prefer someone else to manage this?

Accurate Expressions offers WordPress maintenance on a month-to-month basis. Contact Rae for more information.

general support

If you get stuck at any point, reach out for support!

Contact Rae
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